You can think of the Serial Number as a VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) if that helps. You can think of it as a person's name. You can think of it as the bar code on a can of tuna. The Serial Number is an identifier for that product or object. If there was an issue with your particular object, product, or OS installation media, tracing the serial number could result in revealing a problem during production... as that serial number can be used to identify when and where something was manufactured. That's down to the date, time, and location in a particular production facility.
2010 autocad serial number and product key
The Product Key... that's not a serial number. In this specific case (since cans of Tuna don't have Product Keys... unless you count the Can Opener) the Product Key is just that... a key. The installation (identified by the serial number) is locked, and must be unlocked to be used. To unlock (activate) it, you need the key. 2ff7e9595c