Just like the MVC design pattern, the Controller is the class that takes care of all the client requests and sends them to the configured resources to handle them. In Spring MVC, DispatcherServlet is the front controller class that initializes the context based on the spring beans configurations.
EC 211 Research Methods Seminar I. This course is designed to help research-based MS students write their thesis. The seminar is an opportunity for students to share their experience with other thesis writers, learn advanced research techniques, and obtain feedback. The class complements and does not substitute ongoing meetings with thesis advisor(s). (Only open to second-year research-based MS students and not appropriate as a general graduate elective). Offered in the Fall.
Advanced Spring Design Software 13
EC 212 Research Methods Seminar II. This course is the continuation of EC 211. Likewise, it is designed to help research-based MS students write their thesis. The seminar is an opportunity for students to share their experience with other thesis writers, learn advanced research techniques, and obtain feedback. The class complements and does not substitute ongoing meetings with thesis advisor(s). (Only open to second-year research-based MS students and not appropriate as a general graduate elective). Offered in the Spring.
The U.S. is poised to implement new export restrictions on a specific type of software used to design semiconductors utilizing a next-generation technology that is vital for producing the most advanced AI chips, Protocol has learned, in an effort to target Chinese chipmakers.
It has over 350 rock-solid vector and raster manipulation tools. Not awfully useful in cartographic design, GRASS GIS excels primarily as a free GIS software option for analysis, image processing, digital terrain manipulation, and statistics.
OrbisGIS is a work-in-progress. Its goal is to be a cross-platform open source GIS software package designed by and for research. It provides some GIS techniques to manage and share spatial data. OrbisGIS can process vector and raster data models.
Inspiration abounds every spring and fall as High Point Market comes alive with showroom after showroom of meticulous design, more educational opportunities than several conferences combined, endless networking opportunities, and the resources you need to move your business forward.
In this course, we will discuss project management concepts and strategies in various organizational settings, specifically with a focus on libraries. Topics include project management process groups and knowledge areas, the major project management techniques including traditional and agile, project management software and tools, and advanced issues related to risk management, project portfolio management, human resource management for projects, and more.
Department Notes: Course objectives: This course will give you an in-depth understanding of the inner-workings of modern digital computer systems and tradeoffs present at the hardware-software interface. You will work in groups of 4 or 5 to get an understanding of the design process in the context of a complex hardware system and practical experience with computer-aided design tools. You will be required to present your design and results in front of the TAs and class.
October 1, 2021: FDA's Office of Counterterrorism and Emerging Threats (OCET) collaborated with the Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) to award a contract to Siemens Government Technologies (SGT) to implement advanced industrial software for digital design and an automated manufacturing production demonstration line for regulatory science use in the FDA OCET advanced manufacturing program. The digital showcase will help facilitate evaluation, education, and industry adoption of smart design and manufacturing processes, which can improve performance, speed regulatory review, reduce supply shortages, and increase supply chain resilience in the life sciences industry.
Tree phenology influences not only the fitness and distribution of tree species, but also functioning of forest ecosystems, including water and energy fluxes and food web dynamics1,2,3,4. Changes in spring phenological events (e.g., bud-break and leaf-out) that indicate the start of growing season (SOS) are highly sensitive to temperature variation, especially in the extratropical regions5. Under global warming, an advanced spring phenology of trees (hereafter referred to as SOS) has been widely reported over recent decades due to rising temperature6,7,8. This advancement in SOS have been shown to extend the duration of the growing season and increase carbon uptake in forest ecosystems. Understanding the SOS in response to warming is therefore critical to assess the impacts of climate change on terrestrial carbon cycling and its feedbacks to climate3,9. However, the physiological mechanisms underlying the warming-induced advancements in SOS still remain poorly understood. This largely hinders the prediction of SOS and carbon cycling under future, warmer conditions.
Using the flux dataset, we found that the timing of SOS in the current year showed a significant negative correlation with the GPPmax, the maximum daily gross primary productivity (GPP), during previous growing season between 1992 and 2014 (Fig. 4a). We also observed a significantly negative correlation between SOS in the current year and averaged GPP in previous growing season (Supplementary Fig. 2a). This suggested that spring phenology occurred earlier when photosynthetic carbon assimilation was greater during the previous growing season. To further test the carbon-based hypothesis, we constructed a piecewise structural equation model (SEM) to explore the direct and indirect effect of climate factors on SOS (Fig. 4b and Supplementary Table 4). We found that SOS was delayed directly by temperature and soil water content, but advanced by radiation in previous season. In addition, the direct effect of CO2 and precipitation on SOS was not significant (Fig. 4b). These direct effects are likely occurring due to spatiotemporal climate variation. We found that increased temperature and soil water content significantly increased GPPmax. Then, SOS was significantly advanced by increased GPPmax (Fig. 4b), providing evidence for indirect effects of temperature and soil water content on SOS. We obtained similar results based on the averaged GPP in previous growing season (Supplementary Fig. 2b and Supplementary Table 5). Using random-forest analysis, we calculated and ranked the relative importance of GPPmax and other climatic drivers to SOS. Results showed that GPPmax and temperature were the strongest predictors of SOS, while relative importance of precipitation, radiation, soil water content and CO2 were lower (Fig. 5). Similar results were obtained when using averaged GPP during the previous growing season (Supplementary Fig. 3).
Recently, Zani et al.22 has reported that increased carbon assimilation during the growing season drives earlier autumn leaf senescence in temperate ecosystems. When leaf senescence occurred earlier, trees advanced endodormancy, and the requirement of chilling units may be also fulfilled earlier. As a result, earlier autumn phenology facilitates an earlier spring phenology38,39. Therefore, increased carbon assimilation may directly drive autumn phenology, and, in turn, influence spring phenology. Furthermore, spring phenology is also influenced by chilling and forcing units in winter and spring29,40,41. After excluding the co-variate effect of other climate factors in growing season, autumn phenology, chilling and forcing units on leaf unfolding, we also observed that SOS in current year was advanced by increasing temperature during the previous growing season. This provided additional support for our hypothesis that increased carbon assimilation in the previous season triggers an earlier spring phenology. 2ff7e9595c